Aluminium Triformate Base Quantity 100g
We are pleased to offer a new mordant made from mineral salts called aluminum triformate. Aluminum triformate is a room temperature mordant for all natural fibers including wool, silk, cotton, hemp and linen. It works on either a grams per litre calculation or a weight of fiber (WOF) percentage and it has been used successfully with both methods. We send detailed instructions for both.
Each of these methods have their advantages for the artisan dyer. If you want to dip a few small items in mordant and then dye without a lot of calculating, then the grams per litre method is good for you. On the other hand, the WOF method will make it easy to reproduce your process.
Aluminum triformate advantages
- Room temperature mordanting
- Saves water as you re-use the mordant bath until the mordant is consumed.
- It is easy to use with minimal odor or wafting powder.
- Works well on cotton, linen, silk, hemp and wool.
- Keeps wool fibres softer than other methods.
- 50 grams may dye up to 1kg fibre. Generally 5% weight of fibre is suggested.
- The spent mordant may be disposed of in a municipal wastewater system.
Aluminium Triformate 100g
SKU: D00515